Meet The Chefs

Krista Griffiths

Krista has been cooking up reviews of board games and more for years now. Her enthusiasm boils down to meeting people and the time she gets to spend with those close to her. She would be hard-pressed not to help out someone with inquiries as to the flavor of a game.


Morgan joined the staff at a young age and has grown up in the business. As with most dragons, he would be a very judgmental boss if we let him be in charge of anything. As it is, he contributes mostly with opinion and playful pomp.

Ryan Collins

Ryan built his background by beta testing and running events for both board and video games. Always glad to give a helping hand both in and out of the Cantina, he can often be found answering questions or giving demos for customers of his FLGS or at a convention. He’s not too shabby around the kitchen either.

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