Each cup of Dawn Patrol Maple and Brown Sugar flavored coffee will entice and exhilarate you with the warm flavors of maple syrup hiding behind the subtle overtones of rich brown sugar.
Geek Grind Coffee Company

Ryan’s Thoughts: The irony of this blend is that, much like its namesake, the flavor is a bit hard to find. It is there, though, but in order to really have it stand out, we had to brew the coffee a bit stronger than normal. Adding anything to the coffee covered the flavor almost completely, so with that in mind I would say black is best. I was fine with this as I like my coffee black, but it may not be for everyone. There was a hint of sweetness behind the coffee that was quite noticeable when the bag was first opened. After grinding some beans and brewing a batch it did seem to mellow out a bit. This is a terrific coffee for those looking for something different yet not too far off the beaten path.
Krista’s Thoughts: As with many of the Geek Grind blends, the coffee itself is excellent: smooth and rich in natural flavors. However, the brown sugar and maple flavorings that are supposed to be the signature of this blend seemed nonexistent. I could smell them when opening the bag and grinding the beans but was unable to taste them after actually brewing them. I tried making the coffee at several different strengths to see if perhaps I hadn’t gotten the brew quite right, but Dawn Patrol continued to taste like regular coffee. With this being marketed as a flavored coffee, I’m a bit disappointed, but as a regular coffee, I enjoyed it. I’d really like to see Geek Grind Coffee Company boost the flavors in their flavored coffees a bit more so they would have a chance to really shine. Their signature blends that we have previously reviewed seem to have more discernable flavors than the so-called flavored coffees do.
Interested in trying Dawn Patrol Maple and Brown Sugar for yourself? Use code CANTINA20 on the Geek Grind website and get 20% off!
The Cardboard Cantina is reader-supported. When you buy from Geek Grind Coffee Company using our coupon code, we may earn an affiliate commission. All photos used in this review were taken and edited by Krista.