Dragon’s Roast – Dark Fire Blend: The alpha beast of the old world, soaring high above and hoarding deep below, the fire drake is eternal. This dark roasted super premium coffee is hand-picked at high elevation on top of ancient volcanoes near the cliffs of Darien, Colombia. Follow the treasure of taste with notes of dark chocolate, brown sugar, and tantalizing tangerine. These steeps hold their secrets closely. Unlock the first chapter of an age-old story with Dragons Roast – Dark Fire Blend.
Geek Grind Coffee Company
Krista’s Thoughts: When Geek Grind Coffee Company categorizes their coffee as a dark roast, they mean dark! Perhaps a little too dark…at least for me. As much as I love dark roast coffees and have been pleased with all of the blends we have tried thus far from Geek Grind Coffee Company, I have to say this one was too bitter for my tastes. Maybe a little more dark chocolate would have smoothed it out or a little more brown sugar to make it a tiny bit less bitter, but I’m not entirely sure. I was really hopeful as the citrus and chocolate blend has been a winning home run flavor combo for this company. However, this mix just did not work for me this time. With some creamer added, it was drinkable, but definitely does not put this coffee at the top of my list.

Ryan’s Thoughts: It’s got some bite! This brew was sweet and welcoming as its aroma filled my nostrils and the first hot sip found its way past my lips and warmed my belly. Oh how little I was expecting the flavor to grow and embolden between drinks, as before I took my second drink the intensity of the dark concoction came broiling back for a surprise of resolute essence befitting the valiant legend of a true dragon. The aftertaste that followed was not so strong as to make one wince, but rather a strong, yet not overwhelming, push of the various flavors surfacing as if to defy the defeat of being quaffed at your hand. This coffee has a strong left hook in its repertoire that you will need to look out for and be pleasantly awed by when you see it coming. If you enjoy dark roasts this is one to look out for!
Like really dark coffee roasts and interested in trying Dragon’s Roast Dark Fire Bland? Use code CANTINA20 on the Geek Grind website and get 20% off!
The Cardboard Cantina is reader-supported. When you buy from Geek Grind Coffee Company using our coupon code, we may earn an affiliate commission. All photos used in this review were taken and edited by Krista.