Glitch in the Game: Embracing Our Unexpected Hiatus

Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and, honestly, it can sometimes be very hard to admit to yourself that you can’t catch and juggle them all. After an unexpected, lengthy hiatus from blogging and gaming, we are excited to finally return to a world that we’ve missed dearly. During this time away, we have found ourselves navigating challenges that demanded our full attention. While we’ve been unable to be here sharing our thoughts and experiences, we’ve often reflected on what this blog and the many relationships it has helped us create have meant to us and how special it is. There were many discussions during our absence about what we wanted to do, what we should do, and how we could evolve the content we offer to fit the changes we’ve had to make in our daily lives – our “new normal,” if you will. We are now able to refocus and are excited to dive back in! We can’t wait to explore new games, revisit some of our favorites, and share insights about our favorite hobbies that we have gathered along the way.

Before we ended up taking a hiatus, there were definitely signs that we were struggling; and not just with the blog. Our post consistency was getting spotty, our game nights were being rescheduled so often that they might as well have just been canceled altogether, and the stresses from trying to juggle so many things were actually taking a toll on our physical and mental health. We were often forcing ourselves to go through the motions of our day-to-day lives to keep everything moving forward. Recognizing these signs became crucial and it quickly became clear that we needed to step back and handle some things so we could recharge and refuel our creativity.

What spawned all of this, you ask? In the early months of 2024, Morgan (our pet dragon) developed a lump on his arm. What we originally assumed was a tumor or abscess proved itself to be so much worse… After multiple surgeries, tests, and scans, it was discovered that over the winter Morgan had somehow contracted a non-tuberculosis mycobacterium infection. We – and our veterinary team – found ourselves completely in uncharted territory. Almost all documentation we found claimed this was nearly impossible to treat and that euthanasia was the best option as it could also be transferred to us. However, we refused to accept this solution and agreed to give Morgan a fighting chance for as long as we were able. It was quite a journey with many long conversations with our veterinary team spent swapping case studies we had all found, bouncing treatment ideas off of each other, driving all over Northern California to meet with different vets, and working together to create a plan for what we hoped would lead to a successful recovery. None of this was cheap. None of this was “by the book.” None of this was going to be easy. However, making strides in Science and Medicine rarely are and we were determined that no matter the outcome, we wanted to help those who ended up in a similar situation with their reptile.

Our home, also, had to undergo some serious renovations during this time. It was quite the experience, especially as renters navigating the chaos of temporary displacement and questionable living situations in hotels. When it was discovered that there had been several major leaks and quite a bit of water damage to multiple units in our building, our home was transformed into a whirlwind of construction noise and dust. While we understood the necessity of the work, the disruption added to the challenges we were already facing. With rooms in disarray and limited access to our favorite spaces, we found ourselves adapting yet again to a new rhythm. It was a reminder of the importance of patience and flexibility, and while it was frustrating at times, we found some great new local shops and gaming cafes to explore and keep our passion for gaming alive and well.

During our hiatus, we poured our energy into navigating the challenges that arose, working extra hours to make ends meet and selling off possessions to lighten the load. Late nights and early mornings became a routine as we focused on managing Morgan’s evolving medical needs, often sacrificing sleep to ensure we were taking care of ourselves as well (especially after we got COVID and were out of commission for several weeks). Despite these struggles, we still sought solace in gaming, turning to video games as a way to escape and unwind, even as we put board games on the back burner. Ten months in, we are thrilled to say that Morgan not only survived the treatment as well as the infection but is the first bearded dragon on record. While it was a difficult period, these experiences allowed us to reflect on what truly brings us joy and have set the stage for a renewed passion as we return to blogging and the gaming community after these long months.

As we step back into blogging and gaming, we are filled with excitement about all the new experiences waiting for us. There have been so many game releases and community happenings over the past year that we can’t wait to explore and discuss them. We plan to share not only our thoughts on the latest titles but also reflect on how our time away has reshaped our perspective on gaming and creativity. We’re eager to engage with you again, hear your thoughts, and exchange ideas. Let’s embark on this journey together, rediscovering the joy and camaraderie that brought us here in the first place!

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