Medieval Mischief – Irish Cream Flavored Coffee is a unique blend of coffee beans and Irish cream flavor. This delicious combination is sure to tantalize your taste buds and bring a smile to your face.
Geek Grind Coffee Company

Krista’s Thoughts: I love Irish cream – whether it be alcohol or not – and, unfortunately, this just was not it. The coffee itself was amazing: smooth, bold, aromatic, and everything else we’ve come to expect (and love) from Geek Grind, but the flavor? It was not there. Plain and simple. I don’t know if we got a bad batch, a leprechaun decided to pull some mischief with our sample bag (making it even more aptly named!), or if it was because we went with pre-ground coffee instead of whole bean this time around, but it was not Irish cream coffee. Instead, I found myself enjoying the coffee for what it was, but with a drop or two of Torani Sugar-Free Irish Cream syrup to give me the flavor I was missing. Do I recommend this one? I feel it’s worthy of a shoulder shrug and admitting that I could take it or leave it as it isn’t a bad coffee as it is; it just isn’t a flavored one. In fact, I almost feel I would have better luck looking for an actual pot of gold at the end of a rainbow than finding flavor anywhere in my cup!
Ryan’s Thoughts: I had a lot of hope for this coffee, but alas it really let me down. It is smooth, light, and not bad at all, but entirely unremarkable. There were no undertones or flavor to speak of, let alone any mischief as the name would suggest. I prefer a coffee that can stand on its own merit and this just wasn’t one of them. A bit of Irish cream from the fridge barely salvaged my holiday hopes. I was expecting more, heck, anything really, and this one just left me disappointed.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from us here at The Cardboard Cantina! Though our experience with this new blend from Geek Grind Coffee Company didn’t pan out, there are plenty of other flavors and blends available from them that we do love and highly recommend! If you find yourself needing a wee bit of extra pep in your step now or any other time of the year, you can head over to the Geek Grind Coffee Company website and get 20% off of your entire purchase with coupon code CANTINA20!
The Cardboard Cantina is reader-supported. When you buy from Geek Grind Coffee Company using our coupon code, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. All photos used in this review were taken and edited by Krista except for the featured image, which is from Geek Grind Coffee Company.