Delicious spiced pumpkin flavors on top of amazing Colombian medium roast coffee taste.
Geek Grind Coffee Company
Ryan’s Thoughts: We tried this coffee both hot and cold, and while it works, either way, I personally felt it was much better heated. The blend is subtle and not as ‘in your face’ as some of the other coffee options we have tried in the past, yet that is to be appreciated when you are looking for something well done and not overly complex. The pumpkin doesn’t overpower, and I am grateful to find a blend of coffee that is focused more on the pumpkin flavor rather than the pumpkin spice we see everywhere else this time of year. A thumbs up to Geek Grind on this one, for sure.

Krista’s Thoughts: Cinnamon, clove, ginger, allspice, and nutmeg combine to make an all too familiar flavor at this time of year: pumpkin spice! It seems that as soon as August hits, this autumn flavor explodes into the marketplace in milkshakes, cookies, cereal, bagels, and even hummus. It is no surprise that there is a large variety of pumpkin spice coffee blends to go right along with this trend. However, Geek Grind Coffee Company’s Pumpkin Bomb coffee stands out from all of the rest for me as the spice is minimalized and the pumpkin is at the forefront. It is a change I highly welcome though I am a fan of other pumpkin spice items (like the pumpkin pie Oreos!). I have noticed that many other pumpkin spice coffee blends have a certain sweetness to them that Pumpkin Bomb does not. Personally, I’m glad for that because the flavor doesn’t wear out its welcome quite as fast as with other blends. This is a coffee that I can drink hot or cold, with or without some sort of creamer, first thing in the morning or as that late afternoon pick me up before my night shifts begin and I will enjoy it each time.
Much like in Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, this Headless Horseman-inspired brew will surprise those who chance upon it. Akin to the rider himself, the blend can only be found for a short time, but if you use our affiliate code CANTINA20 on the Geek Grind Coffee Company website, your chances will be greatly improved!
The Cardboard Cantina is reader-supported. When you buy from Geek Grind Coffee Company using our coupon code, we may earn an affiliate commission. All photos used in this review were taken and edited by Krista.