An Empty Throne: A Quick Two Person Battle For Succession

Sometimes it’s not about game night, and you just want to play a quick game with a friend that isn’t going to wrack the brain or require a full-sized gaming or dinner table to play on. An Empty Throne by Small Box Games fits this bill perfectly. With the rules being simple enough to fit…

Weavlings in the Wilds: A Solo Expedition

Dieting. We all hate it if we’re being honest, which is why it is hard to fault the Weavlings for escaping their mistress (legendary Fate Weaver Zadarra) and hunting down extra snacks for themselves. The Tender Wilds, however, is not the safest of locations to try looking for food. The wilds are filled with dangerous Beasties with a penchant for gobbling up chubby little Weavlings as well as other strange happenings waiting to be encountered. As a solo game, it is up to the player to take on the role of Trapper and venture out into the Tender Wilds, trap the local wildlife, and use the tasty meats to lure the Weavlings home.

Delving Further Into The World of Dungeon Drop

We’ve plunged into the depths of Dungeon Drop quite a few times since we did a Kickstarter preview back in 2019 — before The Cardboard Cantina even existed! Now, thanks to the newest expansion from Phase Shift Games, we are returning to the dungeon. In addition to several new game modes, designer Scott R. Smith…

Marvelous Surprises Await in Wonder Book

Wonder Book is a co-op board game for 1-4 players that was recently released by dV Giochi and features a new twist on children’s pop-up books. While the story itself is not contained within the book, players will actually use the book in place of a game board – utilizing pull tabs, secret flaps, and…

Hopping Into The Holidays With Rabbit Island

Four rabbit tribes, led by Russet, Acorn, Saffron, and Cobalt have each been wandering the seas looking for a new home. After months adrift, they discover a seemingly uninhabited island to explore and settle as their own. In Rabbit Island: Explore, Build, Conquer from Infinite Heart Games, 2-4 players will take on the roles of…

Clash at Rook’s Point: A Quick Fighting Game

When the world hinges on balance, those who control Rook’s Point will gain the power to forge its future. Four factions have surfaced to lay claim to this ancient site and battle to see their vision come true. In Clash at Rook’s Point players take on the role of one of these factions in a…