Enjoy and savor the comforting and soothing tones of hearty eggnog and sweetly subtle gingerbread that perfectly complements all that the Christmas season has to offer.
Geek Grind Coffee Company

Ryan’s Thoughts: So far Geek Grind Coffee Company had been on a winning streak with me and the products we tried up to this point. Silent Night, with its undertones of gingerbread and eggnog, was not to follow suit. While the coffee was tasty, and the subtle notes of flavor work well, they were a bit too subtle for this one’s liking. I was excited to try this product, yet found unless I drank it black the flavors did not seem to stick around. I love the idea behind Silent Night and using a bit of egg nog as my creamer with a drop of molasses syrup made the coffee awesome! I wish it had been able to instill that warm in front of the fire winter feeling on its own though.
Krista’s Thoughts: Though this is not Geek Grind Coffee Company’s first flavored coffee release, it is the one I most desperately wanted to try upon its announcement! Upon opening the bag, I could immediately smell the hints of gingerbread emanating off of the dark brown beans inside, piquing my interest even more. As with all of their coffees thus far, Silent Night is very smooth and easy to drink. The flavors are subtle yet discernible. As far as being a flavored coffee goes, I’m used to having more robust flavors in the forefront, but this one is unique in the way that it still allows the drinker to enjoy the actual coffee they’re sipping on. There is a bite and a hint of sweetness that, in my opinion, probably comes from the gingerbread flavor, but the coffee also has a creamy smooth finish that I can only attribute to the eggnog. As enjoyable as I found this coffee to be, I do wish the flavors were just a bit more intense. All in all, however, I feel that sitting down with a cup of Silent Night – Eggnog and Gingerbread is like giving yourself a present on Christmas morning – and one that I know will be wrapped up under the tree of several friends and family members this year!
Interested in trying Silent Night – Eggnog and Gingerbread for yourself or gifting it to others this holiday season? Use code CANTINA20 on the Geek Grind website and get 20% off!
The Cardboard Cantina is reader-supported. When you buy from Geek Grind Coffee Company using our coupon code, we may earn an affiliate commission. All photos used in this review were taken and edited by Krista, who also made the gingerbread house!