Wicked & Wise…and Wine

Welcome back to The Cardboard Cantina, and come right this way to your table. The special on the menu today is a wonderful game called Wicked & Wise presented by Weird Giraffe Games. It is as fresh as they come, having its campaign running as we speak on Kickstarter. It serves up well for 2-6…

Dancing Our Way Into The Year of the Ox With Dragon Parade

Representing power, wealth, and wisdom, the dragon is a very prevalent symbol in Chinese culture. The Dragon Dance is commonly performed during festivals and celebrations and is believed to scare away evil spirits and the bad luck associated with them, ushering in good luck and wealth instead. During the dance, a team carries the colorful…

Morgan’s Mind-blowing First Christmas

Okay… you hoomans do some weird stuff! This will be my first one, so when someone tried to explain Christmas to me… I just didn’t know what to say! I was fine with the smell of warm cookies coming from the kitchen, though why we built a cookie house I can’t even get inside of…

Valknut: Epic Fantasy Battles on a Tiny Scale

Luis Brueh is probably best known for the Dwar7s series, which, like all of his games, he not only designed, but also did the illustration work for. Dwar7s Fall, Winter, Spring, and Duels were all released by Vesuvius Media along with Brueh’s other game Covil: The Dark Overlords. Valknut is Brueh’s first self-published release and…

A Dragon’s Tale of a Dragon Hat

Well, I am official now, for sure! Mom and dad bought me my own chef hat for working in the Cantina’s kitchen and I think it looks fantastic! It came from a place known as Pampered Beardies. Not only do they sell items of interest for a dragon, such as myself, but they also do…