When was the last time you went exploring? Really and truly exploring – with plans of discovery, even? For most people, the simple answer to that is “not for a while.” Roland Auer’s Two Foxes In The City aims to change that. This game takes two players on a real-time, real-world, whimsical jaunt through the place in which they live. Designed during the COVID-19 quarantine, Two Foxes In The City is about more than just learning about one’s location, but is also an exercise in bonding and discovering new things about your relationships.
One of the things we love about this game is that there is no setup involved at all. All the players will need are the deck of cards, its tuck box (in this case, it was a print and play so we did have to prepare that part before heading out on foot), and access to where they live. It should be noted that you may also want to bring along your wallet as you may find a souvenir or two along the way to keep as mementos. When using the print and play, we made it a point to use heavy cardstock for the tuck box and regular cardstock for the cards. Once assembled, the tuck box itself has a hole cut into it to make it easier to slide the cards out one by one without peeking at them ahead of time. This is important as it keeps some of the mystery intact as to what is coming next as well as the “secret missions” players may draw.
Once players arrive at their chosen starting point, the game progresses by drawing a card, reading it to oneself, and then either sharing it aloud and performing the actions listed on it or advancing to the next card in case of a secret mission. While exploring, players will pass the deck of cards back and forth between one another, alternating who draws the card. Two Foxes In The City is a non-competitive activity that is meant to be fun, relaxed, and indelible. Should a player draw a card they don’t like or are uncomfortable with, they can simply draw another one instead. Some examples of activities players can encounter while on their adventures include on-the-spot storytelling, guessing games, and impromptu navigation cues. In addition to discovering things about the city being explored, players may also learn more about themselves and/or their partner(s).
Two Foxes In The City is more than just a game. It is an experience – and one I highly recommend people try at least once! Regardless of living in a city, small town, or just visiting somewhere, anyone can pick up a copy and play it in any location. Though it is implied Two Foxes In The City should be experienced by 2-players, I feel it would also work well with small groups or families with a few tweaks to the cards. Fortunately, based on the prototype, there is room for players to create their own cards to include in the game, so swapping out a few cards here and there to fit your needs would be reasonably easy to do! We here at the Cantina have lived in the same city for over a decade now and had thought we had seen most, if not all, of what it had to offer. However, Two Foxes In The City allowed us to revisit it with fresh eyes and helped us fall in love with the city we call home all over again. Not only does this experience help you to appreciate where you are, but also the people you are exploring with. After having gone out several times with this small deck of cards, I can honestly say this will be a gift that keeps on giving – and one I fully intend to gift to many of my friends and family! We have had so much fun telling stories, finding hidden treasures, and making memories that we can’t wait to see what others find when they, too, go exploring! I can not recommend something like this enough with its unique approach to exploration and discovery and am excited about the upcoming Kickstarter campaign.

All photos for this review were taken and edited by Krista. The Sacramento Map is from Carol Mendel’s Maps.