Coffee Corner: Breaking the Ice with Frost Giant Cold Brew Blend from Geek Grind Coffee Co.

Frigid winds and blowing snow whip the desolate northern expanse. Something immense looms in the distance. This is the land of the Frost Giants. Discover enormous robust taste with this super-premium blend designed specifically for the cold brew process. These beans unlock a natural hint of dark chocolate, brown sugar, and notes of bright orange citrus as they steep in the cold brew process. A cold brew blend from the slopes of Darien, Colombia – Frost Giant delivers a taste as tall as the giants themselves and as powerful as their northern kingdom.

Geek Grind Coffee Company
Geek Grind Cold Brew
Brewing up some Frost Giant Cold Brew!

Krista’s Thoughts: As someone who has never had a cold brew coffee before — much less made their own! — I will admit I was both excited and nervous as I pulled out the coffee grinder to grind these gorgeous, wonderfully aromatic little beans of magical happy juice. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely did my research beforehand and looked into what methods were available to me with what I already own, but I was still nervous. Once that frigid, dark brown liquid hit my lips this morning, however, I couldn’t help but smile! Not only had I prepared it exactly to my liking, but the brew itself was smooth and bursting with flavor! Thanks to the low acidity that comes with cold brewing coffee, I felt it gave the citrus flavors a chance to shine in a way that is typically lost when I drink hot brewed coffee. I also don’t often drink my coffee black unless I find a good one, but I wanted to give an honest review and am pleased to say that Geek Grind’s Frost Giant Cold Brew is one of the few coffees I can enjoy on its own as well as with a little creamer if the mood strikes!

The cold brew is ready to try!

Ryan’s Thoughts: Not all coffees are created equal, and anyone who has let a hot coffee go cold will tell you it’s just not good. It takes a special coffee to be delicious as a cold brew and that is NOT the same as iced. Frost Giant delivers in spades and I couldn’t have been more pleasantly surprised by the smoothness and depth that it brought to the table. I believe if you can’t drink a coffee black then you shouldn’t drink it at all and that what you add to a coffee should be just that, an addition. Frost Giant stands all on its own and if you are wanting to try a cold brew I would be hard-pressed to recommend another before this one.

Learn more about making cold brew coffee from the Paulig Barista Institute. Interested in trying Frost Giant Cold Brew for yourself? Use code CANTINA20 on the Geek Grind website and get 20% off!

The Cardboard Cantina is reader-supported. When you buy from Geek Grind Coffee Company using our coupon code, we may earn an affiliate commission. All photos used in this review were taken and edited by Krista.