The walls set high above us, indignant to the forces we had amassed. The camp was beginning to stir as thousands of our brethren prepared for the final assault. What is this day if not a day for victory? We shall not know defeat with this dark espresso blend designed to power you forward to success. Enjoy the rich natural sweetness shimmering inside a smooth buttery note of chocolate and tart citrus. The ultimate foundation for any espresso drink and divine to taste alone, Siege Fuel from Geek Grind is the result of countless hours of testing and tasting. This blend is the supreme and final results of that efforts. Go forth and win the day!
Geek Grind Coffee Company

Ryan’s Thoughts: With a kick not unlike a straight down the center championship winning field goal and the smoothness of a new Mercedes cruising down a freshly paved freeway Geek Grind has really hit it out of the park with this one! It’s like my coffee said “Don’t worry about those pesky castle guards, they will falter long before you once you taste of my offering.” The internet debates the strength of espresso over standard coffee, especially once you start to consider brewing processes and the color of the beans used, but with Siege Fuel I perked right up and felt awake for the better part of my day. All too often “strong” coffee tends to be bitter or at the very least not all that tasty, yet I found neither of these to be true this morning. I like it!

Krista’s Thoughts: Unlike with our last review on cold brew coffees, I do drink quite a lot of espressos and have more experience in making them. As with most espresso blends, Geek Grind Coffee Company’s Siege Fuel uses a dark roast for its beans, which leads to its low acidity and rich flavor. Within the very first sip, it is easy to pick up on the citrus notes that give it its distinct taste when compared to the other, less-unique espressos that I have had! When it comes to this particular blend, I was very pleased with the bold, yet well-rounded flavors as well as pleasantly surprised by its velvety smoothness. Though there is much debate – and myth! – surrounding which contains more caffeine between an espresso shot and a cup of coffee, the fact that there was enough caffeine in a double shot to not only get me through my lengthy restaurant shift but also keep me going for the remainder of the day is a huge perk and selling point for me!
Want to make espresso at home, but don’t have a fancy-schmancy espresso machine? Walton Holcomb from Brew Smartly can show you how in three different ways. Interested in trying Siege Fuel Espresso Roast for yourself? Use code CANTINA20 on the Geek Grind website and get 20% off!
All photos of Geek Grind Coffee Company products included in this review were taken and edited by Krista.